Monday, February 18, 2008

Who is Eagle-Man - Part III

Okay, so what powers does Eagle-Man have?

As Macarthur, he's just a regular guy and he ages the same as everybody else. When he changes into Eagle-Man, the transformation is instantaneous. There is no American Werewolf in London type of violent transformation. While it won't get explained in the story, he actually has two bodies and only uses one at a time. While he's Macarthur, the Eagle-Man body rests in a parallel dimension. When he makes the change, the bodies swap places but his consciousness moves to the body that he's currently using. I might explore this in another story sometime later.

As Eagle-Man, he's 6'7", muscular and with the face of a bird. The beak is more malleable than an actual bird's though, allowing for a greater variety of expression. His feathers swirl forward into what could best be described as a pompadour. (Sudden interruption of thought here - a cooper's hawk just swooped down and rested on the fance post outside my window. He stood there for about thirty seconds before he took off again. Too bad Hawkman is an already well-established superhero in the DC Universe!) He wears blue jeans and a white shirt - like a 50s street punk. Later in his adventures, he'll move to all black - black jeans, black T-shirt, and a black leather jacket. He wears gloves, as his taloned-hands freak him out, and he hates the idea of clawing a person's face off.

He possesses superhuman strength - the exact limits of which will never be measured, but he will have limits.

He can't fly. At least, not for a long time. It's not until he realizes his full potential that he'll be able to fly, and along with that will come a new form - one that's more bird than man.

He's fast - able to run about 100 miles per hour. (Hardly The Flash, but pretty damned fast.)

He also posseses the enhanced eyesight of a bird of prey, enabling him to make out fine details at great distances.

His greatest strength is a near-invulneralbility to magic-based attacks. This includes being able to go toe-to-toe with enemies who have heightend strength due to magical means. Also, if he gets bitten by a vampire/werewolf/zombie, there is no effect, so long as those creatures are magic-based. His power never gets spelled out to him, so it takes some time for him to discover this, but he gets a real sense of it when he is able to resist the charms of the anti-Christ and pound him into hamburger.

His weakness is his ignorance. Since he doesn't know the near-limitless range of his capabilities, he isn't able to use them to his maximum potential. He avoids things like gunfights since he's not confident that he can take a bullet. Over time, this weakness becomes less of a problem. Still, he's hesitant to take action, and his near Hamletesque uncertainty can lead to disaster.

1 comment:

ExPatMatt said...

Hey Lance,

I like your Eagle-Man idea. The concept of him having two bodies (in separate dimensions) opens up all kinds of possibilities for split personalities, possession of one body by something else, the incapacitation of one body when he needs it most, other entities sharing the dimension that the Eagle element resides in etc... endless possibilities!

I'll keep reading, as I'm starting from the beginning; but it certainly has me intrigued...